Monday, October 10, 2011

Columbus Day Weekend

Today is a Federal Holiday;  Columbus Day which means I am in bed as type this#whoopwhoop

I had my weekend planned out by Thursday and I did none of the things on my list...
Do laundry on Friday
Get my hair did on Saturday
Attend church on Sunday
Go apple picking on Monday

Instead I did the following...
Watched two episodes of "Tough Love" on Friday, thanks Lerato, I'm now hooked!! (I will definitely blog about this show)
Stayed in bed all day on Saturday watching Lifetime movies and chatting on bbm
I attended church on Sunday and that was definitely the highlight of my weekend
Today...I'm going to TRY my best do all the things I've listed above...if not, at least get out of bed and enjoy the beautiful day as the weather is lovely...after watching the 3rd episode of "Tough Love" of course LOL

I trust you had a good weekend.  Wishing you all a beautiful, blessed and amazing week ahead.

Verse:  Isaiah 41v18

I will open rivers on the bare heights, and fountains in the midst of the valleys;  I will make the wilderness a pool of water, and the dry land springs of water.

God is the God of the impossible.
You may even be in a valley of a wilderness.
Even in your wilderness God can make pools of water.
Let expectations be alive in your heart.

PRAYER:  Lord, You know the challenges I face.  I pray that You will bring life into every area of my life.  Amen

Stay Blessed xoxo


Toyin O. said...

Amen to your prayer.

Unknown said...

@Toyin, Amen my sister!

Stay Blessed and in His favor xoxo