Friday, January 13, 2012

Favorite Things Fridays

Hope you all had a great week...mine has been awesome!

Favorite song
Holy Ghost Party by Cory, Jaye & Laura

Favorite video
"Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus"

Favorite days
Sunday:  Surprise farewell dinner at Pastor Troy & Theresa's home

My spiritual mother, Pastor Therese Goode

Tina, Emily and I
Tina is already in South Africa doing some charity work
See you soon Tina

Janet and I
She's just come back from Mozambique and South Africa

Danikqwa and I

Monday:  Resigned from Konnessi YAY
Thursday:  Priscilla's birthday at Olive Garden
Love you sis 

Priscilla and Manny
Ummm...sooo sorry for spoiling the surprise :(

The DaSilva sisters, love you ladies
Jenn, Janet and Priscilla

Sister Nikki and Janet

Friends and Family

Favorite book
Thanks to my sis, Emily for this book

Favorite scripture
Psalm 47v1:   Clap your hands, all you peoples, shout to God with loud songs of joy.

Wishing you a great weekend ahead.  

Stay Blessed xoxo

Friday, January 6, 2012

Favorite Things Friday

My first week of 2012 has been really awesome.  Started off with a great church celebration at church, the praise and worship was mind blowing... literally had me running around like a crazy woman!! LOL

 Favorite Facebook post

Today is my lil sister's birthday and I actually wanted to dedicate my whole post to her but felt compelled to share the above Facebook post as it stirred me up and got me excited this past week.

Modiehi, you're the coolest 19yr old I know, you're smart, witty, strong minded and sooo cool to hang out with.  I miss our lazy weekends spent on the couch watching all the shows you had recorded for me during the week AND waited for me so we could watch them together.  I miss acting "stoopid" with you and doing Carnival city.  I miss you and our friendship and cannot wait to be back home.  

Happy Birthday!  I pray your year ahead will be all that you imagine it to be and more.  I pray God will bless you exceedingly and abundantly.  I pray that you will grow to know Him intimately and that you will allow Him to mold you into the woman that He want you to be.  I love you and stay beautiful.

Have a good weekend friends!

Stay Blessed xoxo

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Year

"Dezemba" is officially over and has left a few individuals broke and a tad stressed out from all overspending; "Ke JanuWORRY Boss" LOL  
With that said, I hope you are all looking forward to this new season as much as I am.  I LOVE pushing my reset button.  I love the new year because it feels like I can change my entire life by it just being a new year.  So in the spirit of the new year I wanted to share with you some goals I've set for 2012:

1.  Continue to trust and commit my ways to my Almighty Father. Grow and tap into being the woman that He has intended me to be.
2.  Be an awesome aunt & godmother, obedient daughter, coolest sister, fun and reliable friend. 
3.  Learn to be really good with money.  Not just like sort of good, but a true pro at it.  Like, I have so much money people call me cheap and I pretend it offends me, but really just roll around in my savings while you all go broke LOL
4. Spend more time with my grandparents.
5.  Read at least 6 books this year.
8. Continue blogging.
9.  Travel.
10.  Go back to school (Uh Oh!! Did I really just put that down) Shhh...don't mention this to my mom!!

I have deliberately left out lose weight and join gym as that's always on my list and it never happens so I'm secretly hoping I will actually do it this year LOL  What are your goals and ambitions for this year?

This  is a clip that was played at our New Year's Eve church service.
Gotta love this!!

Below is my prayer for you in the new year.

Starting from this moment, you are moving from glory to glory, anything you lay your hands upon shall prosper in Jesus name. Your dreams will not die, your plans will not fail, your destiny will not be aborted and the desires of your heart will be granted. In 2012, blessings will know your name and address. Trials will be there to enhance your character but NOT harm you. Heaven has confirmed today the end of your sufferings, sorrows and pains, because, He that sits on the Throne has remembered you. He has taken away the hardship and given you joy and He will never let you down, in Jesus name. Amen

Stay Blessed xoxo