I've realized that women everywhere are having the same conversation; "when am I going to meet him; I'm tired of being single; I want to get married; I want kids blah blah blah" I used to get soooooo annoyed when I would be on bbm/WA with one of the ladies from back home and within 2minutes into our chat, I would be asked "have you met someone?" I'd have to count to 10 just to calm myself down, then I would politely respond with a "no, not yet" as I didn't want to be rude, but truly speaking it offended me and made me feel like my goals and experiences needed to be validated by a man in the picture#RME!!
With that said, I've come to the realisation that most women that are in relationships aren't always the "happy ones"(whatever happiness means to you). Yes, relationships are hard work and are about compromise blah blah blah but what I fail to fathom is; taking care of a grown ass man, paying his bills and ish?? Staying in an abusive relationship both emotionally and physically for the sake of the children or fear of never finding anyone?? We hear, read and discuss these stories amongst ourselves on the daily and who am I to judge?! I too have made some bad choices in the past but what I know right now, today, is that love does not hurt and I love myself enough to know when to end things and walk away. Is it easy? Of course not? Is it achievable? Damn right it is! But hey...to each his own right??
Don't get me wrong, I'm not a bitter woman at all. I love, love, I love being in love, I love being loved...I love the whole love thing and I actually think God is molding me into the Proverbs 31 woman#blushes#smiles. I know that I'm a good catch and soon I'll be an AWESOME catch if I may say so myself#lol I'm nowhere near perfect, but I know that God is working within me and whoever is going to end up with me will be one blessed brother#lol I guess it just saddens me when we as women forget that we are daughters of the Most High. We are loved unconditionally by the Almighty God and He knows our heart's desires. He will bless us with the right partner when we are ready. I just think some of us have so much baggage from past relationships that we aren't even "dateable" cause we're just so miserable, bitter, angry and desperate to have babies with the next one that we meet. I repeat, I'm no expert when it comes to this love thing but all I know is that everything happens in its season and for anyone reading this that has been hoping and praying for their future partner, I would like to reassure you that God knows and He's got this, for now, live,laugh and embrace each moment....everything else will fall into place#smiles
So to all my friends that have been wondering, concerned or interested in my relationship status...it hasn't changed. I am still single, I have no intentions of looking or chasing after love...I am here to discover more about myself, enjoy the cultural experience, gain work experience, meet new people, live, laugh and embrace this experience. Just to be clear, I am not against the idea of socialising with the opposite sex and I have since crossed paths with the following males (please note I have not used their real names and have also chosen not to add their pics for obvious reasons and besides, they sue for everything here)#lol
Jason. 32. White. Met at the balloon store. Made horror movies with his cousin and posted them on youtube. Had a zillion tattoos. Believed he is a "seer" and him and I were meant to be#smh. He chewed with his mouth opened. Had stories for days about everything and anything. Was very helpful whilst I was in NYC but told me we couldn't hang out as he wanted more and I didn't. I then checked up on him a week after he had declared his love for me and he told me to never contact him#iknowright#lol
The 8th Grader...need I say more?! LOL
Shaun. +-35. African American. Originally from the Bronx, NY. Met whilst walking home from the bus stop and he drove next to me. Married. Took off his wedding band whilst I crossed the street#smh That's all I got to know about him as I had no interest in building a friendship or anything else with him#
Pablo. Late 30s. Dominican. Spoke Spanish and English of course. Met on my way to Boston. Raised in Harlem, NY. Gentleman. Handsome. Intelligent. Funny. Sweet. Charming. Studying Theology and African Studies. Worked in the hotel industry. Passionate about Africa and ancestors. Turned out he was looking for a "wife" who'd be happiest sitting at home, twidding their thumbs and waiting for King Pablo to come home at odd hours of the morning#smh#lol
Jesse. 31. Cape Verdean. Met on the bus. "M'rapper for sho" reminded me of Vusi (usage of Ma, Shorty, nahmean)#lol. Cutie. Beautiful body. Loves himself. Chef. Passionate about love and life. Loves himself. Charming. Loves himself. Funny. Loves himself. Loves my accent. Hard working. Did I mention he loves himself?! On the real though...very pleasant guy and good peoples...
I have also met a couple of Hispanic dudes that will randomly speak Spanish to me and my response is always "me, hablo no Espanol" then they smile back and simply nod...then I reciprocate#akward!!
So there you have it folks, I'm hoping I will not be getting asked anymore questions pertaining to my relationship status, and should there be any developments...you guys will be the first to know#giggles
Wishing you all a fabulous weekend, take care and keep warm.
Stay Blessed xoxo